Sunday, 28 December 2014

Gas, Water & Electric are FREE

This subject (pre-paid accounts available to every citizen to dip into) is as controversial as the idea of paying bills with a promissory note and there is a lot of confusing (perhaps intentional) information that is being peddled out there. Approach with care. Having said that, I have no doubt that Paul genuinely believes in the validity of process he presents here.

Paul Webster appeared on the Vinny Eastwood radio show earlier in 2014 to discuss his ideas. Part 1 is HERE

Sunday, 21 December 2014

How to create your own Promissory Notes by Michael Tellinger

This may work for some people, but never having done this, I can't vouch for its effectiveness. Surely both parties must agree to be bound by this - it cannot be imposed by one party upon another, and the creditor must be certain of the debtor's promise to pay and their ability to pay.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

The Common Law Court of Wales with Mark Ceylon

Pretty decent new-ish UK law radio show from Freedom Talk Radio SETV featuring guest Ceylon from

Topics include Council Tax, court stories, utility meters, etc...

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Monday, 1 December 2014

How to Make a MYSTERY SHOPPER Call - TFI Bunnies

Simon shows how to phone up any bank and ask them for their terms and conditions as applied to say, a mortgage. In the process, he exposes just how much training, or lack of, that the frontline staff are given, when it comes to answering pertinent questions about their products. Now these people are quite blameless, they don't know as much (if anything) about the scams that are being perpetrated by the banking system but their superiors DO. The staff on the phones have to put up with all kinds of crap from the customers (and maybe justifiably so) and have been put into positions where they are effectively committing fraud by proxy for the Top Dogs of their banks who do know that the customers are being ripped off.

Simon reminds them that is is their duty (morally, if nothing else) that if they were to come across fraud in the system, it is their duty to investigate it and if proven, turn in those responsible for the fraud which is being perpetrated on the customers, and the staff themselves by extension.

Friday, 14 November 2014

They Live 1988

Well, this week David Icke's been banging on about the brilliance of this film and how it has inspired his ideas, and if you haven't seen it, it's certainly well worth a watch. Don't know how long this version will be up on YouTube, so grab it while you can...and 'put on the glasses!'

Saturday, 8 November 2014

New 'Smart' device for dummies

Hey, if you don't think that you've got enough 'smart' devices in your home (Facebook, Twitter, your new TV, your mobile phone, etc), all calling back home to the Intelligence Services and corporate spies, why not treat yourself to an Amazon Echo, which uses voice recognition to track you in the comfort of your own home? Xmas is just round the corner and this will be top of the list for some sheeple, for sure...

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Karl Lentz - Winlaw, BC June 21-22 2014

A double helping of Karl from a talk given in Winlaw, British Columbia in Canada in June this year. The info is mainly for a North American audience, but he does tell the story of how he and Bali went to the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand in London to file a claim at Queens Bench - a lot more as well.

Karl explains his method to a fairly knowledgeable crowd, worth catching if you're still not familiar with standing as a Man or Woman in court and indeed everywhere - it's a way of thinking and a way of life once you get the hang of it.

Audio clips on specific subjects taken from Karl's radio show can be found at:  - Man and Law's channel
and  - Craig Lynch's channel

Monday, 3 November 2014

Am I Free To Go?

Know your rights when dealing with police. All you need to know in a 2 min rap.
Beat by Kurt Robinson of

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Silencing us through Facebook… is it possible?

 I've been asked by Emma to post some information about being blocked from Facebook.

'I've been removed from Facebook for supporting Vanessa and anti fracking !!!
I created an event against fracking can you believe it? just like that within 8 hours. So you won't be able to get hold of me on there. Perhaps you will do the honour of posting this survey from me: xxx Emma De Duchess
If you are at the crime scene of a Rape do you consider that it is your responsibility to ?                                                                                
A) Jump on board and take part in the Rape?                                                   
B) Do nothing and watch and take notes?                                                      
C) Do nothing and walk away, let someone else deal with it.                          
D) Do everything in your power to stop the rape from happening ever again?                     E) Send a Facebook message to all your friends and let them know the rape is happening and hope someone else deals with it.                               
F) I've got too much going on in my life there is nothing I can do anyway that is gonna make a difference.                                                                    
G) Share this event (or the one you create) and set the intention in being a part of the solution, even though we don't yet know how that is gonna look… by making a commitment to stopping this rape and doing at the very least something to support your community and your future generations.            
H) Go to the march on the 4th November to the Houses of Parliament and let the MPs know you shall not be mocked.'
To show your support you can get in touch with Emma via

Friday, 24 October 2014

Invasion of the Data Snatchers

'New technologies are making it easier for private companies and the government to learn about everything we do - in our homes, in our cars, in stores, and within our communities. As they collect vast amounts of data about us, things are getting truly spooky!

A future without any privacy is just scary. And privacy is not the only thing at stake when everything we say, everywhere we go, and everyone we associate with is fair game. We have seen the ways that surveillance – whether by government or corporations – shuts down free speech and free association, undermines a free media, and threatens the free exercise of religion.

We shouldn’t be forced to choose between new technologies and our liberty. The ACLU is fighting for the proper safeguards to allow us to regain control over our personal information.'
 This was produced by the American ACLU, but the message is of course universal. Why give the bastards anything you don't have to?

Monday, 20 October 2014

Critical Thinking

One of the paths to mental freedom is to cultivate a clear and uncluttered approach to thinking, using discretion to filter out the accidental or deliberate obstacles that are sent to try our mental faculties (and often our patience) to confuse, distract or even mislead us away from clarity - clarity that the mind needs in order to make the most favourable and rewarding decisions. This is a useful look at the principles of critical thought.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

The Smart Agenda - Mike Mitcham, AV5

Mike Mitcham continues his campaign to inform about the dangers of 'smart' technology and especially 'smart' meters, the 'virtues' of which we will soon be bombarded with in a propaganda storm. Anything with 'smart' in the name is strictly for dummies who don't mind giving away their privacy to the snoopers of the corporate state, and their health for the sake of wilful ignorance and fashion. Just say 'know' - there is no legal requirement for anyone to change their domestic meter over to a 'smart' meter, whatever any propagandist tells you.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Obedience - Obeying a Man in a Uniform

If some chump in a fancy-dress outfit gives you an 'order', then why not give the chump a bill for carrying out that 'order'? Seems fair enough...and don't obey 'authority' figures who ask you to harm someone else, unless you want to become as liable as them. 'I was only obeying orders' is not a legitimate defence - only you are responsible for your actions.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Karl Lentz - Englishman at Court. Stand as a man and hold the magistrate accountable.

Another great story from KL regarding how to behave in court as a 'next' or 'MacKenzie' friend.
Let them know who exactly the public servants are in a public court.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Take The Red Pill, Aidan Killian Stand Up Comedy Full DVD

 'This is Aidan Killian's full DVD 'Take the Red Pill'.
This is my gift to you. Infinite love to you all.. even the dodgy ones!

About Aidan:
“I am doing comedy because every cell in my body tells me it is what I need to do. I allow my voice speak what it needs to say and sometimes it’s funny. I love it and I hope you do to.” – Aidan Killian

This is the official YouTube channel of Conscious Comedian Aidan Killian'.
From one of the most fluoridated countries in Europe, some Irish people (happily) still won't take the blue pill...

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Friday, 26 September 2014

Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion (feat. Larken Rose)

No hiding behind uniforms, no passing the buck, no excuses - only you as a man or woman, are responsible for your own actions.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Who are the men at the bank sleeping with? Part 1

 We talk to someone at a major bank about their practices...
Danny Shine investigates as to what we can expect to happen when we 'default' on the 'loan' that the bank created out of thin air.

Friday, 12 September 2014

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Word Crimes

You know that when you're backhanding a complaint from the state or when you're writing your own claims before playing in court, you're in the game of words and you're going up against some of the best adversarial word-nerds in the business. Accordingly you have to make sure that you don't give these nerds an inch in which to move or to return your volleys. That means that you've got to play your aces by tightening up your spelling, grammar and your understanding of the words themselves.

You might also want to check out Word Nerdz for some tasty definitions.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Berlin Woke Up, Now What About Your City?

In this video Luke Rudkowski travels to Berlin Germany to cover the expanding and growing resistance moment. This event took place on July 19th and brought together over 5,000 people from all over Germany. This is a video of the people there and the message they have to you.
Seems like it takes the Germans to actually get off their butts, to protest against the US Federal Reserve and the banking system in general, and consider using alternative debt-free currencies. I'm surprised that the mainstream aren't labelling them 'anti-semites', but then their (owned) media probably ignored the event anyway...

Thursday, 21 August 2014

HUMANITY vs INSANITY : The Crane Report with Roger Hayes

Not sure exactly when this year this was recorded, since due to the silliness with UK Column being labelled a 'TV station' and having to remove its videos from YouTube or some such BS, this had to be re-posted by Ian R Crane. Anyway, after a short lesson in how fractional reserve banking works Roger Hayes is the guest and he talks about the impending class action against the banks regarding the fraudulent nature of death grips, oh sorry...mortgages.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Stuart Wilde - ‘You Don’t Get Freedom For Nothing…’

The sadly-missed Stuart Wilde (1946-2013) lets rip about the concept of freedom in his own inimitable way. A lot of f-words for a so-called 'New Age' teacher, and much the better for it - very amusing...

Saturday, 16 August 2014

BULLY BAILIFFS CHASED out of BURY!!! [Police act on their OATH!]

 15th of August 2014 and the attempted eviction from his home by Bully Bailiffs. Having exhausted all legal and lawful means to stop the Banksters stealing his House and Home, Darren called upon the people to come and help defend his home against the Bailiffs. His call was answered. The Bailiff Bullies, one of whom had recently assaulted a pregnant woman at an eviction, were quickly shown the error of their ways in a peaceful and non violent way. The Bury Policemen who attended the attempted eviction shortly after the Bailiffs had been evicted acted in a thoroughly decent manner and, much more importantly, acted upon their respective Oaths and earned the respect of the protectors outside Darren's home.

 The line has been drawn in the sand - We are starting the Fight Back! Are YOU with US???
 Get in Touch and get involved.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

The Peoples Mandate By: Rob Freeman

Rob's a great guy and I wish him luck with this - it's very idealistic and I'm not sure it has much chance of success (maybe about as much as the call to audit the Federal Reserve in the U.S!) but ya gotta try, eh?

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Alice in Wonderland - Court of Record

 Minerva: Part of the Capitoline Triad: Virgin Goddess of WAR, WITCHCRAFT, WEAVING, COMMERCE, ART, POETRY: Witches used the wood of a holly-tree as 'wands' (CASTING Spells - Spelling WORDS), therefore: we could call the tool for CASTING Spells: HOLLY-WOOD. Painted as Fiction: yet containing moral and simple truths: hidden in plain sight, portrayed as FICTION to distract you from the truth x Big Love: Enjoy x
 What the animated clip is showing is that you will never win in a court which is not your own - the Crown will set their own rules which you cannot use to win - the only way to be victorious is to convene your own court as a Man or Woman. No-one and no-thing from the World of Fictions can remove you from your own throne in your own court.

 So enter your own Court as the Sovereign and vanquish your opponents, put them in their places as the worthless hollow articles of no-substance that they truly are. After all, the judge is looking for evidence that you know who you truly are, the non-fiction creation who only answers to the ultimate Creator.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Lawful Rebellion Assembly, Glastonbury 19th July 2014 - John Hurst

John Hurst addresses a gathering in the Assembly Rooms, Glastonbury, 19th July 2014.
Assembly called to discuss the forthcoming signing of the last part and signalling the implementation of the Treaty of Nice, handing over full governmental control of the United Kingdom to EU Commissars.
Although this promises information about the Treaty of Nice, due to be completely implemented on November 1st this year, and by all accounts a wholly treasonous and pernicious piece of legislation which hands over UK sovereignty in its entirety to the EU, unfortunately this does not deliver. However, John Hurst's info is extremely worthwhile as it deals with Magna Carta and the Common Law.
Part One features Brian Gerrish who addresses child-snatching by the State, and the hot topic of paedophile rings and cover-ups within the UK establishment HERE

Thursday, 24 July 2014


23rd of July 2014. Nottingham, England.

"Over 300 people stood shoulder to shoulder and made a stand against corrupt Banksters and their Bully Bailiff parasites.

The Banksters are trying to take a family home after they paid for it. Fraud, Banks, Courts, and Bailiffs, they are all corrupt and will resort to any means to steal peoples' property.

TOM CRAWFORD has been a law abiding, mortgage paying, thoroughly decent British gentleman all his life. He has paid his taxes and owes not a penny on mortgage but yet still, due to fraudulent and scurrilous action by Bradford and Bingley Building Society he, and his family, were set to be evicted on the 23rd July 2014 at 9am by one of the most notoriously heavy handed and heartless bailiffs from the Nottingham area, David Caress. As you will see in this video - People Power put paid to his bullying ways and his true cowardly nature was exposed when the meat head failed to show his less than handsome face...

The kind of fraudulent repossession of people’s homes by the banks is happening more and more frequently and this kind of corporate banking steamrollering must be sent a clear message from the people... That message must be NO!

We stood with Tom and his family on the 23rd July 2014 because it may be us or people we know next that pleads for people to stand with us or them.

Spread this people just what can be achieved when we stand together!!"

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Some Observations

El Spaniardo has 'some observations' about a problem with egotism among the brethren and suggests that leftfield approaches should not be ruled out in the search for successful remedies.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

“A discussion on the benefits of Medical Cannabis” - Thursday 17th July

'United Patients Alliance Launch Night and Fundraiser with talks from Prof David Nutt, Caroline Lucas MP (Green Party, Brighton) and Clark French (MS patient and activist) The United Patients Alliance believe that granting access to medical cannabis is a separate issue to full legalisation.'

Saturday, 5 July 2014

The Shame of BBC TV Licensing

'Make no mistake -- the BBC will NOT like this video. It is high time that the BBC stood on it's own feet instead of extorting £150 annually from every household in the UK. In this video we discuss some of the reasons why the BBC's TV Licensing must be abolished.'
A brainwashing monopoly funded by extortion - well past time to axe it.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

What Is Money?

A show on hosted by Sarah Lioness.
This week looking at the nature of money - what it is, and where it (allegedly) comes from.
Decent show covering the basics (mortgages, loans, banking, etc.) with guests Simon Spaniard and Mark Ceylon, although the volume of the guests is a bit low.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

How to create a Bill

 How to create a bill in response to a complaint from an agent of the State - basically as a warning to leave you alone.
 Don't expect to collect on this! It's just to put the frighteners on a named man or woman in their personal capacity. This is a correction that I would make to the video - address any correspondence directly to a named individual, not the company that they work for. They will soon go running to their superior(s) or the legal department in that company for advice who will, unless they wish to appear in their personal capacity in Queen's Bench - for this is where you will take your own claim of trespass against your rights should they pursue you - drop their complaint against you.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

City without Government (Max, Nebraska)

Well, not much of a 'city', more like a hamlet, and not a lot happening by the look of it, but it's a start...

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Sunday, 8 June 2014

We Police by Consent

August 2011: Key phrases here - 'the way we police in the UK is by consent' and '...the police being able to protect the public, protect property' (which should be and was, historically, government's ONLY function).

Friday, 6 June 2014

Banks Fund War - Daily Mail - RBS exposed

El Spaniardo asks if you know how the money you deposit into your bank is really being used(?)

Thursday, 5 June 2014

And it's gone...

Oh well, should have invested in precious metals or Bitcoin...

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Policeman Bows to Common Law

OK, the driver of the car may not be the most friendly individual in this situation and the policeman may not 'bow' to Common Law, but the driver demonstrates that he is going about his business in a lawful way and simply does not want to be disturbed, even if it is by a request to help a police officer clear up a matter of some sort of registration 'problem' (the police's problem, not the man's). The driver asserts his rights as a man not to have his property (his rights to get on with whatever lawful activity he wishes) interfered with.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Brandalism 2014: 40 street artists. 10 cities. 365 ad takeovers. 2 days.

'The Brandalism project saw 40 artists coming together for the biggest subvertising campaign in UK history. Over 2 days teams in 10 UK cities put up artworks that seeks to confront the ad industry and take back our visual landscapes.'
 It's a great idea of course, and has been around for as long as corporate advertising has been infecting our streets, but subvertising has been sadly lacking in its effectiveness over the last few years, as the masses rarely even lift their faces from their 'smart' phones (the opposite of 'smart' would be more appropriate) long enough to appreciate what is happening around them.

But really, this doesn't go far enough, and why for only two days? This should be a constant campaign to wake people up to reclaiming their environment from largely unwanted, intrusive, ugly and untrue sloganeering from crony capitalists.
(And bollocks to Banksy, who donated a piece of his work in 2008 to New Labour which raised £120,000 for them after auction - some 'rebel' eh?).

Sunday, 11 May 2014

UK Police, A Government militia (?)

'As successive UK governments continue to erode the sovereignty, liberty, justice and freedoms of the British people, are UK police "forces" now part of a government militia?

To blindly follow orders is no excuse, you must act as individuals of conscience if you are to win back the respect of the people.'

Friday, 9 May 2014

A Spaniard court of record - Episode 1

Summoning the Dead would be your aim in a Court of Record, but don't be too disppointed when the Dead don't appear, as they can't in that particular venue, as only a living man or woman can stand across the court and point a finger at you to say that you have done them Wrong in some way. Fictional entities, such as corporations (corpses) cannot of course, because they are not made of flesh and blood, and only exist in the 2-dimensional world. Can anyone point at the 'government' and say 'there it is'? No, for all we see are men and women, who are ultimately liable for their own actions, and unable to hide behind the defence of 'we were only following orders/just doing our jobs'...

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Humanity vs Insanity: The Fight Back! Ian R Crane @ New Horizons 2014

28th of April 2014. Ian R Crane gives a mind blowing presentation to New Horizons Saint Annes.

Humanity vs Insanity: The Fight Back!

Ian R Crane is a former oilfield executive .... who now writes and lectures on the unfolding geopolitical agenda. Ian has spoken at New Horizons many times and draws in huge audiences.

It cannot have escaped your attention that the corporate agenda is being ramped up at a phenomenal pace. The rich are getting even richer, the middle classes are being saddled with ever-increasing debt, whilst the working classes are being forced to compete for work in an ever-decreasing employment market. Many jobs are offered on zero hours contracts ('Slave Labour on Demand'), whilst falsely reducing the reported level of unemployment.

Benefits are being sanctioned and Bedroom Taxes imposed to force people out of their homes, creating an underclass that is then demonised in the lamestream media through such 'reality' shows as Benefits Street.

Where is the compassion? Where is the Humanity? Where are the plans to restore the country to full employment?

The onus is on us to bring about the changes that we all know we need to see!

Within the next few weeks, an initiative will be launched which will become a major thorn in the side of the establishment.

It's TIME for HUMANITY to STAND UP and restore SANITY.

Are you with us? ... or are you going to sit back and watch this country descend into a corporatist hell?

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Shylock's Fate

Didn't know that there was a clip of this on YouTube (shame about the squashed screen aspect).
 A great lesson in how (not) to collect on your debts/bonds, taking care in knowing how to draw up your contracts, and the all-important 'quality of mercy'.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Trippy Video Explains Bitcoin in Under 4 Minutes

Despite the demises of both Mt Gox and Silk Road, Bitcoin keeps going from strength to strength...

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

"Forgery Does Not Matter"

According to Bank Of America, what changes they make later to your mortgage document/contract once you've signed it aren't important - they can do what the fuck they like with it, you can't challenge them, and it's not fraud.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Conspiracy Guy - Fukushima

The Conspiracy Guy goes on a tinder date. Tonight's special: Fukushima fish.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Anarchast Ep. 119 Gregory Sams: The State is Out of Date

Jeff Berwick interviews Gregory Sams on his new book: "The State is Out of Date". Topics include: top down organisation has never worked, the morality of profitability, the common misconceptions of capitalism and corporations, volunteerism, crapatalism, free enterprise, healthy eating vs state sanctioned corporate food, dodgy curriculum.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Karl Lentz - UnKommonlaw New Hampshire

Karl stops off in New Hampshire after his coast-to-coast trip across Canada to expound on his history of clashing with the state and his Common Law philosophy.

Topics include the restoration of property, etymology including the importance of the words 'shall' and 'require', the difference between the Queen and the Crown, making a claim rather than a complaint, express contracts, how only man has rights and how governments only have duties, responsibilities and obligations, the virtues of being an idiot, etc. All good stuff.

Part Two
Part Three

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Land Registry Episode 1 - by White Rabbit

Not to be construed as legal advice in any way shape or form. This video contains a Data Subject Access Request being sent to LAND REG. Skip to the last five mins for a great tune and the wording x What this video doesn't show is a great deal of the mucking around employed by LAND REG staff. They chose the wrong day to muck me around x In Any event; big love to all Land Reg staff: the watchers are watching You x

The Official documents show that the 'advance' was completed BEFORE the Mortgage was put in place. The Mortgage could ONLY come into existence AFTER i owned the property; how is this possible? Treasury appear to advance the funds with the help of JP MORGAN and Land Reg: but don't take our word; go investigate yourself - our investigation continues x

Their solicitor from Durham, subsequently phoned me, trying me four or five times before getting hold of me at 6pm on a Friday! I don't know any solicitors (for public agencies) who would do that! So why did they try so hard to speak with me? are they getting worried? something to hide or divert my attentions from?

PS: Check out JP Morgan's involvement and MereBank Ltd x See also the accountability side of things. Our interpretation of things coming soon ;O') x

All information found in the PUBLIC DOMAIN x
Alternate title - 'Is This The Right Place For An Argument?' OR
'Don't fuck with the Spaniard...' LOL.
A lesson in how to deal with so-called Public Servants who talk over the top of you.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Who Owns You? Do You Know?

'Cos if you don't know, then you probably belong to someone else...
If you don't use your imagination, then someone else will.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Fiction Until Proven Fact

Fiction Until Proven Fact from Bluw Media on Vimeo.
'When Helen receives a letter & photograph thru her door from the Crown Prosecution Service, a simple query of factual obligation begins an adventure in legal land!
Many tips & advice on how to represent yourself against people of alleged authority.
Included in this video are Fabrice & Helen's first hand experience with:
Court room preparation, filing paperwork, recording phone calls, media reps to document your case, and keeping all evidence to maintain fairness throughout your adventure. - Enjoy!'
Congratulations to Helen and Fabrice for winning Helen's case (after 8 or 9 appearances in court, I believe).

 However - why on earth would you want to enter into 'their' case as a 'person' (one who has duties and obligations to a certain society - presumably the United Kingdom PLC, have to learn a load of legalese BS (a copyrighted alternative language that is used by an alien society of which you are not a member, unless you want to be a 'person' and not a man/woman), speak in court when everything can be done with paperwork beforehand (it's their 2D world and you are a 3D man/woman), and challenge jurisdiction etc. when really all you should be asking is 'when will the plaintiff appear?'.

 The plaintiff must appear, not the prosecutor (who will never take the stand to accuse you of anything because he/she has no first-hand knowledge of the alleged 'offence'). If the plaintiff in this case is/was West Sussex Police, when will West Sussex Police (the man or woman) take the stand, point across the court and say 'there he/she is, the one who did me harm or wrong'?

Friday, 21 March 2014

Bank Of England finally admits that bank lending creates money from thin air

Standing next to a stack of real money of exchange, a spokesman for the Bank Of England explains how when banks make loans, they create money out from nothing, as opposed to lending it from deposits.

An article from the Guardian explains it all HERE

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Is Council Tax Lawful Let's GO TO COURT!

Is any state levy on the man or woman lawful? The Get Out Of Debt Free nutters go to Nottingham Magistrate's Court to make a good point about liabilities and get hassled by the usual jobsworth before managing to get left alone for a few minutes to make this video.

As for being imprisoned or threatened for refusal to pay alleged obligations, you might ask in your paperwork submitted before going to court -
 'Is the man/woman who is making this claim (only a man or woman can make a claim as opposed to a complaint which is the only thing fiction can make) against the man/woman, personally going to take the witness stand and verify the complaint (speak it onto the record in open court) and the exact amount claimed, against me/him/her? If they are, I will be happy to compensate them.
The plaintiff (NPower, the 'council', etc) must appear in their personal capacity and point me out as the alleged debtor, not the legal representative or prosecutor who have no first-hand knowledge of anything.'

Then wait for NPower itself or XX Council themselves to take the stand - are they wearing a skirt or trousers? LOL

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Natural Law Society Class 1 2014-03-02

For a local community group meeting, this is quality stuff. Obviously inspired by Karl Lentz's teachings (is there anyone else worth bothering with nowadays...?), and with Colin being a student of the KL Common Law approach, at least the first part up until the break is full of useful information about how to deal with state complaints made against you, and about how to deal with court. Hopefully many more sessions will be posted.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Workers of the world... Relax!

Whatever happened to the world of leisure and freedom from slavery that we've been promised for decades now? No sign of it yet, in fact quite the opposite. "The Abolition of Work" is an essay written by Bob Black in 1985.
Here's an abridged reading of this classic anarchist work - available in Job Centres everywhere (not).

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Karl Lentz Method Explained

Freeman Andy (a top poster on the Get Out Of Debt Free forum) gives a beautiful breakdown of the basic approach to handling a complaint made against you by any legal fiction (any agent of the State is always working in that capacity), using a Common Law rebuttal based on Karl Lentz's method.

Monday, 3 March 2014

First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

A simple lesson in mass psychology - it really doesn't take much to hook a a certain type of person who's attracted to following fashion, well intentioned or not. Think of those movements of the past few years that have come and gone (and been owned) - Occupy, Kony, etc. Now we have 'I Am Ukranian' - all probable controlled opposition movements that were planned to end in achieving very little except fooling people into following the lead of others and not thinking for themselves.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Birth Certificate is a class of person - Dean Clifford

The certificate of birth is a class of person, entirely statutory in nature, it is a rank.
Governed entirely by the jurisdiction of its creation, being statutes.
You now have the ability to join the great game and all the fun associated with it, "society".
The legal person, persona, or legal identity which you have the right or the option of you being recognised under when playing their game of commerce. But it is not the only game in town but it is a game they created and seems to be the dominant one at the moment.
It is no different to a certificate in a particular trade in which you are deemed competent in.
If you are certified, you are deemed competent.
If you are working, and you screw up, i.e. you have a certificate in welding that deems you competent for passing all these requirements and you're absolutely qualified for what you're doing. Fantastic, you get a job. Therefore, if you're working and you screw up, you do a weld or you wire something, or you put in a track, breather or stack in that is contrary to the code to the people that are being governed by that particular Certificate. Which means you didn't live up to your job. You did something against what you're deemed competent in. The code you have to follow are no different to building codes, plumbing codes, electrical codes, welding codes, they are all codes. CRIMINAL CODES ACT, they are all codes applicable to particular persons who are deemed competent in that field.
Just because you may get a win in statutory court, doesn't really mean you really win, they just handed it to you because you made their scam so blatantly obvious purely to keep you in their system and maintain the illusion, and if there is a loophole, they just change their rules instantly to correct that.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

House of Rothschild (1934)

Hidden in plain sight (this clip was supposedly cut from the final print), the Rothschild plan for Europe is laid bare...

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Dean Clifford - Qualified and Competent enough to operate the legal person?

Excerpt 4 -- from the Hamilton Seminar -- 23rd November 2013 - Qualified and competent enough to operate the legal person? Person, Title, Rank Man made laws Part ownership of the roads Forming your own club Laws of nature Welcome to the real game...
Back to that age-old question - are you the 'person'?

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Another one is awake.

Aidan Killian - 'shut him up, shut him UP, SHUT HIM UP!!...(before he spills the beans).

Monday, 10 February 2014

Questions for Statists

Seems we have another 'awkward-question-asking' anarcho-chick on the block, LOL
The more the merrier (and free-er we get)...

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Identity and the Presumption of Authority - Rob B [New Horizons 2014]

'The very knowledgeable Rob B asks: "So You Think You Know Exactly Who You Are?"

Rob runs the influential 'Ashton Freedom Advocates' Meet near Wigan, England, dedicated to the promotion of self-education and empowerment.

In this presentation to New Horizons Saint Annes on the 3rd of February 2014, Rob explores the concept of identity and challenges the presumption of power that the authorities have over us.

He looks into who has authority over a part of us that most people have never considered and the actual amount of power that we give away by being ignorant of this.

Think you know who you are? Might be time to think again....'
 Rob dips into how mind control and brainwashing works to remove individuality, then moves into the subject of how the Powers Who Think They Are reckon they gain authority over the rest of us through words, symbols and presumptions.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Karl Lentz - First 56 audio clips combined

You could do yourself an immense favour by listening to this - a treasure trove of Karl Lentz's Common Law remedies extracted from his many TalkShoe radio shows. If you've absorbed this way of thinking you'll be pretty much invulnerable to the demands of statist lackeys making complaints against you.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Dave Witcher Access to queens bench guys u heard it here first.

Dave rings his local County Court to ask how a man or woman can get access to Queen's Bench via the District Registry and Practice Master.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Lloyds of London - by White Rabbit

Lloyds of London (the movie) made in 1936, has some great clues for us. Check it out xx.
Simon turns film critic, analysing the historical romance 'Lloyds Of London' with particular attention given to the details of how the insurance industry operated at the time of the Napoleonic Wars, when commerce on the High Seas was being threatened by the French fleet. What really happened to all that gold on board the HMS Lutine in that auspicious year of 1799? Hmmm...

The film itself can be found HERE
Read up on the fate of HMS Lutine HERE

Friday, 31 January 2014

Santos BONACCI Court MEDIA Conference

Santos Bonacci is out on bail (Baal?) after spending nine days in custody after twice refusing to apply for bail following his arrest earlier this month. He gave some enlighteniing info to the Melbourne media circus, but presumably none of it ever made it to air (?) except for the bits about him 'dodging' fines. 

Monday, 27 January 2014

Karl Lentz at Truthjuice Birmingham 10th December 2013

A lot of people have been waiting for this, so the good news is here's Karl Lentz in Birmingham talking about his Common Law approach to court. The bad news is that the audio is pretty terrible on this, sounds like it was recorded from the back of the room on a phone or two tin cans linked by a piece of string, but persevere with it as we don't know when Karl will be back in the UK.

Alternatively Karl does his regular show on TalkShoe which can be found HERE
and you can also find him occasionally dropping into Angela Stark's TalkShoe show which is HERE

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Dean Clifford - Are you Human or are you the Original?

Body Politic
Human Rights or Natural Rights
Human or Man
Human kind or Man kind
'He whom shall not be legally named except under my terms and conditions'
UN (United Nations)
Clean or UnClean
Normal or AbNormal
Original or AbOriginal
Once more into the subject of definitions & statuses and the dismissing of red herrings with DC...but remember that you are a man or woman first and above all else.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Top DHS checkpoint refusals

Fun and games in the Land of the Free with public servants who obviously need to be reminded of their place by others who know who they are in body and spirit.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Dean Clifford - Royalty, Unalienable Rights and Property

Some very good points about how 'royalty' cons we the people into thinking that they are somehow operating and running the show for our benefit, and also about what 'property' really means - ie. your rights are also your property and cannot be administrated without your consent.
Governments have duties, responsibilities and obligations. They haven't any rights - only men and women have rights, and the loss of those rights forms a cause of action.

Monday, 20 January 2014

TruthJuice Brighton presents Mark Devlin on 27th January

- Exposing the Illuminati Music Industry -
Mark Devlin on Monday 27th January 2014. 
8pm Start. Caroline of Brunswick Pub, 39 Ditchling Rd (near The Level)

We will confirm our next event in the coming weeks! We have a new venue which is much more central than before with the added bonus of not having a time constraints, as our at old venue we needed to be out of the building 9.30pm sharp. The new venue will mean we can go on till pub closing time giving us lots of time for questions following the talk and a chance to have a few bevvies too.
The pub has a function room about it so can seat up to 60 people, and has a large smoking garden and bar for the intervals.

When you arrive, please come through the main entrance (pub is located opposite the Level Park on Ditchling Road), ask for TruthJuice and you will be pointed to the left of the bar leading to the smoking garden, go upstairs to your left and you will be greeted by Danielle or Wendy (Organisers) on the door.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Open Your Mind (OYM) - Simon - White Rabbit Academy - January 12th 2014

An all too rare radio talk between The Spaniard with the guys from Open Your Mind in Ireland.

Simon talks about the ongoing fight with the banks regarding the mortgage 'fraud', the impact of Karl Lentz's Common Law approach and the optimism that it has encouraged, using the financial ombudsman's complaints procedure to stall your debt if you're having money troubles, why you're a 'delinquent' and the remedy for challenging your credit rating if that's shot, and why his videos are temporarily marked as 'private', etc.
Bit of trouble with the Skype connection but great info all the same.
Simon comes on around the 12 minute mark.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Meet Josie the Outlaw

Josie the Outlaw - spreading her version of anarchist thought and action - has been a recent internet sensation with her forthright YouTube videos and website, attracting many viewers who are keen to watch and listen to her monologues (co-written with Larken Rose).
Here we have two recent interviews with Josie.

First up -
Jeff interviews Internet sensation Josie the Outlaw on the politics of self defense, selfishness vs selflessness, how the state interferes in our natural compassion and on our personal responsibility for our own personal safety.

and also - an interview on Radio 3Fourteen with Lana can be found HERE

Thursday, 16 January 2014

The UK's private police force

Danny Shine meets the Goon Show revival outside a railway station and discovers once again the twisted logic people will follow in the name of 'byelaws'. Sigh...

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

But What Will Be Done About...?

For those who ask how problems will be handled, if there was no "government."
Larken Rose has a few ideas about people taking responsibility for themselves and others, instead of running to Mummy and Daddy State and expecting parental authority figures to wipe their bums for them.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Dean Clifford - Law and Justice terrorises thieves, cowards, tyrants, rapists and murders

Excerpt 1 - From Hamilton Seminar - 23rd November 2013
Law and Justice terrorises thieves, cowards, tyrants, rapists and murders.
Just speak from your heart, and speak as a Man, not as a fiction.
Recorded (obviously) before Dean was kidnapped after the seminar. Still no news on his release yet.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

A Powerful and Rare Interview with Michael O'Bernicia 7Jan2014

Great talk between Michael and Vinny Eastwood discussing amongst other topics, the Universal Community Trust and its aims, the non-registration of children, fighting the banksters & mortgage fraudsters in court, plus an amazing insider story about foreknowledge of 9/11.