Thursday, 27 March 2014

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Fiction Until Proven Fact

Fiction Until Proven Fact from Bluw Media on Vimeo.
'When Helen receives a letter & photograph thru her door from the Crown Prosecution Service, a simple query of factual obligation begins an adventure in legal land!
Many tips & advice on how to represent yourself against people of alleged authority.
Included in this video are Fabrice & Helen's first hand experience with:
Court room preparation, filing paperwork, recording phone calls, media reps to document your case, and keeping all evidence to maintain fairness throughout your adventure. - Enjoy!'
Congratulations to Helen and Fabrice for winning Helen's case (after 8 or 9 appearances in court, I believe).

 However - why on earth would you want to enter into 'their' case as a 'person' (one who has duties and obligations to a certain society - presumably the United Kingdom PLC, have to learn a load of legalese BS (a copyrighted alternative language that is used by an alien society of which you are not a member, unless you want to be a 'person' and not a man/woman), speak in court when everything can be done with paperwork beforehand (it's their 2D world and you are a 3D man/woman), and challenge jurisdiction etc. when really all you should be asking is 'when will the plaintiff appear?'.

 The plaintiff must appear, not the prosecutor (who will never take the stand to accuse you of anything because he/she has no first-hand knowledge of the alleged 'offence'). If the plaintiff in this case is/was West Sussex Police, when will West Sussex Police (the man or woman) take the stand, point across the court and say 'there he/she is, the one who did me harm or wrong'?

Friday, 21 March 2014

Bank Of England finally admits that bank lending creates money from thin air

Standing next to a stack of real money of exchange, a spokesman for the Bank Of England explains how when banks make loans, they create money out from nothing, as opposed to lending it from deposits.

An article from the Guardian explains it all HERE

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Is Council Tax Lawful Let's GO TO COURT!

Is any state levy on the man or woman lawful? The Get Out Of Debt Free nutters go to Nottingham Magistrate's Court to make a good point about liabilities and get hassled by the usual jobsworth before managing to get left alone for a few minutes to make this video.

As for being imprisoned or threatened for refusal to pay alleged obligations, you might ask in your paperwork submitted before going to court -
 'Is the man/woman who is making this claim (only a man or woman can make a claim as opposed to a complaint which is the only thing fiction can make) against the man/woman, personally going to take the witness stand and verify the complaint (speak it onto the record in open court) and the exact amount claimed, against me/him/her? If they are, I will be happy to compensate them.
The plaintiff (NPower, the 'council', etc) must appear in their personal capacity and point me out as the alleged debtor, not the legal representative or prosecutor who have no first-hand knowledge of anything.'

Then wait for NPower itself or XX Council themselves to take the stand - are they wearing a skirt or trousers? LOL

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Natural Law Society Class 1 2014-03-02

For a local community group meeting, this is quality stuff. Obviously inspired by Karl Lentz's teachings (is there anyone else worth bothering with nowadays...?), and with Colin being a student of the KL Common Law approach, at least the first part up until the break is full of useful information about how to deal with state complaints made against you, and about how to deal with court. Hopefully many more sessions will be posted.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Workers of the world... Relax!

Whatever happened to the world of leisure and freedom from slavery that we've been promised for decades now? No sign of it yet, in fact quite the opposite. "The Abolition of Work" is an essay written by Bob Black in 1985.
Here's an abridged reading of this classic anarchist work - available in Job Centres everywhere (not).

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Karl Lentz Method Explained

Freeman Andy (a top poster on the Get Out Of Debt Free forum) gives a beautiful breakdown of the basic approach to handling a complaint made against you by any legal fiction (any agent of the State is always working in that capacity), using a Common Law rebuttal based on Karl Lentz's method.

Monday, 3 March 2014

First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

A simple lesson in mass psychology - it really doesn't take much to hook a a certain type of person who's attracted to following fashion, well intentioned or not. Think of those movements of the past few years that have come and gone (and been owned) - Occupy, Kony, etc. Now we have 'I Am Ukranian' - all probable controlled opposition movements that were planned to end in achieving very little except fooling people into following the lead of others and not thinking for themselves.