Saturday 6 July 2013

Everything is OK (as long as you do as you're told)

'For several years, I have been an irritation to shoppers and the authorities alike, going around with my megaphone. I am not preaching any specific agenda, all I want to do is to get people to think about the narratives that we are bombarded with by corporations and society and hopefully entertain them at the same time. This mischief-making has frequently resulted in situations with security guards, community support officers and the police. Even though I always remain within the law and attempt to treat officials with the respect they deserve, I have discovered that we are not quite as free as we are led to believe.'
Danny Shine, founder of the Love Police, if you didn't recognise him.
Danny's raising money to make a documentary about the court case that Westminster Council have brought against him, claiming that he broke some mindless byelaw that is aimed at shutting up people who are inconvenient to them.
His Indiegogo page is HERE - why not bung him a few quid?
Someone else recently raised nearly £300,000 this way quite quickly for a TV station - Danny could do with a bit of that sort of interest as well...

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