Tuesday, 17 April 2012

michael of bernicia - Beating the Banksters!

michael of bernicia gives a presentation to a Freedom North West meeting on the 21st of March 2012.

Michael tells how he stopped paying tax, the current fight against the mortgage fraud, fighting his child's birth registration and potent alternative cures for all forms of ailments and disease.

Michael also goes into depth about the real history of Britain and Ireland explaining the hidden secret of a comet striking Britain in in the Dark ages leading to Britain being uninhabited for years after...



  1. Thankyou for an amazing amount of information stretching from one side of the globe to the other with the same depth. How do you talk that long ,with such depth ,holding the focus and detail , and passion ? may universal grace stay with you. It's an interesting process when and as I start to pull my head out of the sand and the veils of denial start to lift.For the last five years I have heard bits of information referring to the conspiracy of the bankers, the illuminati, the domination and withholding of and controll of the public by those in power and politicians in the present however not wanting to seem too radical or extrememist I secretely believed yet did not act on this information. I still wanted to fit into the unconciousness of what was arround me and had not the strength or courage to stand up for or follow through what I believed in. It seems now that I hear there is a world full of others taking plausible action ,without violence and options and solutions to create another way of being , and thriving on this planet ,I can actively start to take part . I have been introduced to the 12 steps programme of AA and have followwed one of the associated fellowships for some two years now. It seems to me that this selfsufficient, anonymous structure which I consider one of the miracles of the 20 century, would be a perfect way to impliment community and put your knowledge and suggestions into practice . For the last 60 years the 12 steps have been preparing individuals and communities with tools in regaining sanity, balance,integrity,honestyand recovery from addiction,mental and emotional and spiritual ill health in a free thinking supportive and non heirarchial community structure which has been developed through experience and what works rather than through philosophy.It is already being put into practice world wide and it is based on a strong principle of anonymity , and attraction rather than promotion, one does not get to hear about it as readily as a programme that is advertised. I am open and willing to bring the merging of and unfolding of this knowledge you bring to light; to be put into practice with in a structure that has grown , flourished and is ever sttrengthening ,into community,the 12 steps. I heard the suggestion of this happening in Australia ,in the community of freebeing there. Please would you give me some more details to go on and look into as to the Australian freebeings community /12 step based community. Thank you .I am so grateful for your work and service to the community . May you continue,with universal light and love ..

  2. Thanks for your comment and your sentiments, Anon.
    Michael's talk is pretty amazing, particularly so since he doesn't seem to need any notes to refer to either!

    Being based in the UK, I have to admit zero knowledge of any Free Beings communities in Australia. I can only suggest that you contact somebody like your fellow Aussie Max Igan at his site to see if he can help steer you in the right direction -
    or through his Facebook page -

    Good luck, and best wishes with your journey.

  3. You might also try getting in touch with Santos Bonacci who lives in Melbourne, and has a wealth of knowledge to share including astrotheology and the Freeman/Sovereignty movement.


  4. Another good site for Aussies -
