Thursday, 28 February 2013

Winston Shrout Talking about Truth of OPPT UCC Filing

Host Linda Joslin interviews Winston Shrout. Winston Shrout has established himself as one of, if not the, leading authority on the philosophy of Redemption in Law. For over a decade a great many researchers have spent countless thousands of hours in an attempt to understand the true nature of our present-day legal, banking and political systems. Winston Shrout since 1999 has spent the following years amassing a powerful understanding of law, banking and politics, and it is with such understanding that Winston commands a great deal of respect from anyone interested in the notion of freedom.
Thank you Winston for bringing some measure of sanity to the proceedings with your extensive knowledge.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

21WIRE: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

21st Century Wire reporter Patrick Henningsen investigates the groundbreaking free energy science and advanced space ship technology brought forward by Iranian nuclear physicist, M.T. Keshe, head of the Keshe Foundation in Belgium. Keshe's recent lecture on Jan. 30, 2013 at Imperial College in London, revealed some incredible information about Iran's space ship program, and also about a Peace Treaty which is currently in the hands of the world's super powers, as we wait to see if the the world's 'super-powers' will continue to cover-up these new breakthroughs that allowed Iran to apprehend two US drones, applications in faster than light travel, nuclear gravity-magnetic field plasma science and advanced medical treatment for the terminally ill. The implications of what Keshe has revealed are potentially world changing.

Bearing in mind that all wars are commercial, is this the real reason that Western countries (urged on by Israel) are lining up to attack Iran? Keeping this sort of technology off the market would be very important to vested interests. Makes you wonder....

Sunday, 24 February 2013

'Toxic Skies' (2008) - a feature film about Chemtrails/Geoengineering

Good grief -  a feature film about chemtrails (NOT made in Holly Wood of course, made in Canada) that's not too bad (probably a 6/10 if I'm feeling generous).

A guilty pleasure if you're into 'B' movies, but c'mon, how many films will actually touch this subject and point out what's going on instead of just showing you the skies in the background covered in 'trails as if this was normal and was always the case (well, tragically it is now since the toxic campaigns started a while ago...).

Go on, you know you wanna watch it ;-D

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Friday, 22 February 2013

Once upon a time in Bankruptcy - Treasury Solicitor versus El Spaniardo

I keep having to post El Spaniardo's videos as they're so informative and often, very funny.

This is one that falls into the latter category as poor old Andrew at the Treasury winds himself up tighter than a gnat's chuff whilst spluttering and stuttering in reply to Si's probing questions...ho ho ho.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

No State Project - Vin James - Darkcity Radio - Sunday 17th Feb 2013

Vin James - Darkcity Radio - Sunday 17th Feb 2013 4pm to 6pm and every Sunday from now on...

Vin James talks on the law and court system, freeman-isms and all things related to law that is common to all.

Vin follows Marc Stevens' methods for challenging claims of authority over the person, and comes from the anarchist/anti-statist end of the freedom spectrum. I don't agree with all the ideas or conclusions here, but it's a very good listen anyway, delivered in a down-to-earth, easily understood logical fashion..

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Type1 Radio Ashram - The Ratz out of the Vat with Kevin Annett

The local crew from the Type1 Radio Ashram with guest Rev. Kevin Annett have a discussion about the recent historical events in Rome and the resignation of Pope Ratzinger.

You can either stream the show by going to this page or by using the player on the top right of this page, or you can download an .mp3 HERE

Kevin Annett and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State have a website HERE

Monday, 18 February 2013

The One Peoples Public Trust - A Roundtable Discussion

It seems that something is causing a lot of excitement for a lot of people online at the moment, and it's the idea that the One Peoples Public Trust has filed certain UCC documents that set everybody on the planet free from corporate/government demands and has returned the wealth of the planet back to the people. Can this be as good as it sounds? Or is it just a load of BS like the second coming of NESARA or similar, just another 2012 non-event that will come and go...? This is probably one of the better interviews out there at the moment, hosted by Max Igan. Listen with an open mind and heart...but don't leave your critical faculties behind either.

This is Part One of five - Part Two is HERE
Or if you prefer, an .mp3 of the whole show is HERE

Sunday, 17 February 2013

FSA Santander Mortgages Court of Public Record - Notice Served

Well, this is a real cracker if you've been following Simon's investigations into mortgage and banking practices. Si speaks to the bods sailing the Seas of Commerce at the FSA and fires an initial warning shot across their bows...more to come soon.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Darkcity Radio - Commonly known as Dom show - "Get out of debt free" 10th February

Dom talks to Ceylon (unfortunately Jon Witterick had a connection problem) from about many different issues including debts (natch) and their collection, 'alternative' health, 9/11, bailiffs, PCNs, loadsa interesting stuff, you know the score... B-)

Friday, 15 February 2013

THE PEOPLE v THE BANKS: Conviction beats Eviction

Please check for more details...

 UPDATE: I thought it would be useful to update you on the story...
The video is useful for us in that it is prima facie evidence that force cannot be used during an eviction if it is objected to by the people on the land, as proved by the Police. I will be using the video evidence in my action against the bank in the Court of Appeal for unlawful eviction against me which occurred on three separate occasions before the bird eviction in the video. I am also using it in my action in the High Court against the Police for there misconduct against me in my evictions. In future, anyone who is facing an eviction, now knows the crimes they are committing, and if you want to resist them, all you have to do is force an error by making them use force. This gives you a Tortuous remedy, and the leverage to get back in your home.

 In relation to the Bird family's struggle. The video was back in May 2012, and due to the major embarrassment we caused the court, they came back for a 2nd eviction some time later, which again we attended. Unfortunately, this time they brought the heavies; High Court Enforcement Officers, who are unabashed fascists. The Police were ordered to stand down, and Sgt Mo, had been ordered not to attend. The bailiffs used excessive violence to secure entry. But however, due to the video evidence, we have the grounds to prosecute and sue them for their tyrannical actions. The Bird family's struggle against the bank continues, as we prepare for the next round of action against the bank. The only time you truly lose your home is when you GIVE UP. Stay tuned...

 Every day, all over England & Wales the international bankers are unlawfully evicting We the People from our homes, in what has to be one of the biggest scandals currently facing this country. In 2011 alone at least 36,000 repossessions were executed by the banks. However, as you will see, they do this based on a gigantic criminal scam. On the 31st May 2012 in Potters Bar, England, the Bird Family were facing an eviction based upon deception, threats intimidation, and ultimately by way of crime, because if a man or woman peacefully objects to being evicted then the bankers must use unlawful force and commit a crime if they are to take possession. Something the have been getting away with for centuries... So a small group of determined people decided to stand in solidarity with the Bird Family and resist the violence threatened against them.This film is a testament of what can be achieved when we stand together...

'The issue which has swept down the centuries and will have to be fought sooner or later is...The PEOPLE vs The BANKS' - Lord Acton 1875

Monday, 11 February 2013

Darkcity Radio - Commonly known as Dom show With Robert Menard - 06.02.2013

Dom's guest is Robert Menard who gives his current perspective on the global 'Freeman' movement.

Dark City Radio can be found HERE

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Are our Courts Independent? - Spaniard P.I. by White Rabbit

El Spaniardo enters the murky twilight worlds written about by George Orwell and Philip K. Dick and finds out that when it comes to 'independent enquiries', the Ministry Of Justice is quite prepared to investigate itself whilst remaining completely unaware of the irony of the situation...

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead - Play a game?

An excerpt from the film version of Tom Stoppard's play 'Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead'. The two characters play a game not unlike the game that you get offered when you go to court (notice where they are).

Remember that those who ask questions (creditors) rarely, if ever, lose. Those who make statements (debtors) always lose...

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Do We Have To Pay Tax? - Spaniard P.I. - by White Rabbit

'Not to be construed as legal advice in any way shape or form. For entertainment purposes only. Always verify information for yourself. We'll let you know as and when we get an answer from MR WHITE. We love Reservoir Dogs - Class Film. Go Buy the DVD, Video and Soundtrack. We have no problem with Legislation or Statutes. We just want to know where the law is and what it says and who and what it obligates to do any given thing. Education Education Education. We're just following Tony B's advice and getting educated. Big love to all x PS - we still love Magnum! We don't own the dogs and we don't own Magnum. We just appreciate great films and great Soundtracks! We never accept a public servants opinion, we accept verifiable facts only!'
Spaniard rings HMRC for a chat and holds their feet to the fire...

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Ticket Kicked in England - No State Project Traffic Study

'Vin in England joins me to discuss this ticket getting kicked. Vin does the No State Project UK on Sunday and broadcasts the No State Project Reloaded also. We now have documentary proof of tickets being kicked out on three continents, North America, Europe and Australia.

Sticking to the facts, just asking questions and challenging the sacred cows held by statists, is a very effective method of defending against their attacks. As Vin says in the video, the application (motion to dismiss) is based on the lack of evidence the acts/regulations are applicable, no valid cause of action and no true adversary. Congrats to Vin and his mates for participating in the NSP traffic study and getting this frivolous ticket kicked out.'

Once again, please don't think that you can park irresponsibly like a lunchout wherever and whenever you like just because you know about this stuff - thank you.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

HOMESERVE - Spaniard P.I. Charging Fees - White Rabbit

[Not to be construed as legal advice in any way shape or form. Purely for entertainment purposes. We love Magnum. Go get the show on DVD, Video, Audio. We don't own Magnum. This video shows probably the most idiotic customer service campaign any company could employ! x]
Spaniard gives a Masterclass in how to deal with / punish those companies that just don't want to give up pestering you, even though they have been specifically instructed NOT to contact you.
Take notes...

Friday, 1 February 2013

The Power of Paper

Tyranny can take many different forms. Learn how to defend yourself using affidavits.