Friday, 21 December 2012

Winter Solstice 2012

Everybody still here?
Or have you evaporated / raptured / ascended / lined up with Galactic Centre / moved into the next dimension / surfed the accelerating Novelty Wave to TimeWave Zero....etc etc

No? Here's a nice picture for you if you decided to stay - if you've gone I'll catch up with you later...

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The Coconut Revolution

The Coconut Revolution is a 2001 multi-award winning documentary film about the struggle of the indigenous peoples of Bougainville Island. The movement is described as the "world's first successful eco-revolution" and has drawn parallels with the conflict depicted in the 2009 film.

The movie tells the story of the successful uprising of the indigenous peoples of Bougainville Island against the Papua New Guinea army and the mining plans of the mining corporation Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ) to exploit their natural resources. The documentary reveals how the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) managed to overcome the marine blockade strategy used by the Papuan army by using coconut oil as fuel for their vehicles.

(Thanks to Paul for the link)

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Dean Clifford on Global FACT Radio

Dean Clifford has been busy with a series of talks on Global FACT Radio addressing various subjects, mainly pertaining to matters in Canada, but there is a wealth of knowledge to be gained from listening to the man wax lyrical about administration and procedure here.

This is the first in the series - others may be accessed through this channel or going direct to the BlogTalk Radio show here.

Dean now has his own website under construction here.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

The True Source of Random Mass Shootings and Violence

Inconvenient truths that may explain the realities behind the headlines.
As long as Big Pharma makes a profit, what does it care?
Hey! Depression, Fear and Anxiety = $$$£££

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Fracking Hell??? This has got to stop!!

The artist taxi driver gives it to you straight.
The destruction of the planet will not be allowed to happen.

They wanted to start just up the road in Balcombe.
No fracking way.

Monday, 10 December 2012

S.S.R.Lies music video - 2012 edition

One of the greatest crimes against children today is found in the realm of psychiatry. That dark art of anti-medicine pretends to "diagnose" children with "disorders" which are then claimed to be treated by mind-altering psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac.

The entire industry of modern psychiatry is a criminal drug ring conducted for the sole purpose of generating profits by treating children as pharmaceutical disposal objects. Most of the psychiatric disorders found in the DSM-V manual are completely fabricated works of fiction. The drug industry and modern psychiatry run their fraud as a tag-team of criminals who prey on children.
Mike Adams of Natural News reveals his alter-ego as rapper for this tune.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Banking 101

A series of videos put out by Positive Money attempting to show some of the general misconceptions about the banking system.
There's a lot of confusion about how banks work and where money comes from. Very few members of the public really understand it. Economics graduates have a slightly better idea, but many university economics courses still teach a model of banking that hasn't applied to the real world for decades. The worrying thing is that many policy makers and economist still work on this outdated model.
Part 2 is already up here and more parts are to follow...

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Superman - The Mechanical Monsters

According to the research of 'renegade historian' Douglas Dietrich (website), the 'mad scientist' in these early Superman cartoons is based on Nikola Tesla who by this time (1941) had fallen from grace with the US authorities by refusing to share his work exclusively with the US (he wanted to share his Free Energy work with all mankind, but the US elite was more interested in his potentially devastating weapon technology, hence his reluctance to deal with them). The US propaganda machine consequently started to attack him and demonize him in films such as this.

A more overt hitpiece on the man and his work is the 1944 film 'Return Of The Vampire' starring an ageing Bela Lugosi as 'Armand Tesla'. By the time this particular film was released, Tesla was dead (a possible suicide in early 1943) and a large amount of his work had been smuggled out of the US back to more appreciative and somewhat less aggressively-minded scientists in his native Serbia.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Critical Mass Radio Conference 2012 - Rob Freeman

The Critical Mass Radio conference was held on the 24th of November 2012.

The aim of this conference was to bring together people who are looking for solutions to the tyranny we live under. This day was not about head nodding, it was about answers.

The third speaker of the day was Rob Freeman. Rob takes us on a journey from his initial first steps in taking on the corrupt corporate system to today when his only major expense is his mortgage - and he's working on that. Do not miss this video!!!

Rob hosts the 'Out of the Matrix' show every Wednesday on Critical Mass Radio 7pm-9pm

Monday, 3 December 2012


Bugger The Bankers, performed by The Austerity Allstars