Monday, 26 November 2012

Most amazing ChemTrail ever! (?)

Unless you know better...
Be glad you don't live in Poland where this monstrosity was spotted. It reminds me of the Challenger space-shuttle disaster.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Karma, Love and the Fall of Tyrants

Stuart Wilde talks about how karma will destroy the NWO and how we will see the triumph of love.

 Stuart Wilde's site

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Distilled Waters Conference in Lewes 25th November

Sunday 25th November
19.00 - 22.00
7 Phoenix Place, Lewes, East Sussex

Andrew Norton Webber 
presents the original cleaning and maintenance instructions for the human body.
He demonstrates how the four 'distilled waters' (machine-made distilled water, all precipitation [rain, mist, snow, dew and fog], urine, and all raw fruit and vegetable juices) clean the body.
He shines light on the dis-information campaign designed to obfuscate the truth regarding this knowledge.

Andrew is not a doctor. He is giving his opinion based upon his independent research.

Olijana will be sharing her-story of drinking dis-stilled water and taking the piss !

Andrew's website:

This is a free event as this information is vital and needs to be available to everyone

Friday, 23 November 2012

White Rabbit Education playlist with Simon Spaniard

Central Banking is perhaps better described as a mechanism of turning 'thin air' into Real Asset - it's magic! It is a fraud against the people or a nation. A very select few have been granted 'permission' to profit by way of 'money' creation. Yet these profits go to private hands and private pockets. The question White Rabbit poses is - WHY...? Who Benefits? And what can you do to overcome the fraud??? Watch further presentations to find out.
Simon Spaniard of White Rabbit Education has started a new series of videos looking at Banking, Law and Commerce.

Youtube playlist starts on this page

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Darren Deojee - Beyond the Freeman/Sovereign badges

Darren Deojee – Beyond the freeman/sovereign badges from Paradigm Shift Productions Ltd on Vimeo.

Your life story ‘authorized’, Darren has distilled his experiences of the last few years and this talk explores authority, humanity and community.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


The Psychic Jungle - Tuesday 11th December in Hove

The Psychic Jungle

presented by Toyne Newton and John Tapsell

@ Freemasons Tavern, 39 Western Road, Hove

Tues 11th Dec 7.45pm - 10pm

'The Psychic Jungle is a personal journey into a world hitherto unknown. A hi-octane tale with a body count to match. The book features Nazi Satanists with links to Government sponsored terrorists, remote viewers battling with intelligence agents, Witches who meet secretly with the Royal family, assassins with ties to the Vatican – all who wish to control or influence our society. Strange powers and perceptions leap out in every corner in this unparalleled journey – one of true crime and psychic detection at great personal risk to the author. A gonzo classic.'
Anyone who caught their talk 'London's Mystical Legacy' at Occulture in Kemp Town this July will not want to miss this.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Monday, 5 November 2012

Criminal Charges Dis-Charged, Set Off, & Closed - Sovereign Success Story
Criminal Charges Dis-Charged, Set Off, & Closed - Sovereign Success Story
Using Contract Law, the power of Conditional Acceptances, & More.

Learn how to respond to any claim or presentment and stay in honour with a Conditional Acceptance. Those who stay in honour never lose, those who don't reply/stay silent or argue (both dishonourable) always lose - simple.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

What The FUQ?

Frequently Unanswered Questions of the "Australian Government" - a Documentary questioning those claiming Government status as to whether they really are Government. Follow the process of importing a 1959 Chevrolet Corvette as the Department of Transport blocks import, to the Department of Environment getting in the way. Finally, see what happens when "Customs" demands GST and Luxury Car Tax.
A must see for anyone dealing with "Government."
Brilliant film from Australia that follows a man's enquiries into supposed 'authority' - who are these people and why can't they answer perfectly reasonable logical questions when they start to wear Big Shiny Badges...?

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Dr Judy Wood talk in Lewes on 14th November

Dr Judy Wood will give a talk at Zu Studios, Lewes on Wednesday 14th November 2012
7pm start
Suggested donation £7 / £5 concessions

Zu Studios
7 Phoenix Place   
Lewes BN7 2QJ

Where Did The Towers Go?

A scientific investigation into what really happened in New York on September 11th 2001

Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet an important free thinker
  • Dr Judy Wood's detailed scientific study exposes a challenging conclusion which most people have never had a chance to see, hear and evaluate in detail.
  • Dr Wood is the only person to submit elements of her forensic study in a US Federal court case in 2007, news of which was censored.
  • As many see the opponents to Dr Judy's work are the same names responsible for undermining the breakthroughs in cold fusion and free energy technology, the need to understand the enormous consequences of Dr Judy's work have never been greater.
Dr. Judy Wood earned a Ph.D. Degree from Virginia Tech and is a former professor of mechanical engineering. In the time since 11.09.2001, Dr. Wood has conducted a comprehensive forensic investigation of what physically happened to the World Trade Center site on 9/11. Dr. Wood started to question the events of 9/11 on that same day when what she saw and heard on television was contradictory and appeared to violate the laws of physics. Since that day she has used her knowledge of engineering mechanics to prove that the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers could not have happened as the American public was told.