Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Common Law has been replaced with Talmudic Law - Patrick Cullinane

Not too sure about the background to this case, but Mr Cullinane seems to have his head screwed on properly, and consequently he's one more man pulling back the curtain and throwing light on the situation in the courts and beyond...

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Type1 Radio Lounge Special with The Spaniard

 The Type1 Radio Crew have moved to a new host for their shows, and one of the first guests invited on was Simon Spaniard for a chat about the corruption of the banking system, fake money, etc - all the good stuff we've come to expect from the White Rabbit bunny-in-chief.

Here's the link to the page where you can either stream the show or download it as an .mp3.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Claim v Complaint

Listen to a Barclays Bank goon lie his pants off about the difference (there is none according to him...and actually he's probably completely ignorant about it as he hasn't been taught any Common Law like the majority of folks, thereby becoming easy meat for the legal vultures out there).

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Karl Lentz - New Info from Bali Mann

Here's some updates on Karl Lentz's long-promised Common Law Dictionary and what Karl's UK representative Bali Mann has been up to recently.
A timely rebuttal to those doubters and skeptics who say that Karl's approach and logic doesn't work...
Part 2 is HERE